23 January

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMS) 2020


23 January



Call for Paper

International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMS) will be held from 23rd to 24th January 2020 at Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan (UM-Tapsel) on Jl. Stn. Mohd. Arief No. 32, Padangsidimpuan 22716, North Sumatera Province-Indonesia.

ICoMS welcomes you to submit your papers on topic indicated below in section scope. All submitted papers will be reviewed by the scientific committee of the seminar based on quality, relevance and originality.


The challenges of the global market with the frame of the ASEAN Economic Community (MEA) have been rolling out in 2016. All countries in the Southeast Asian region compete to improve the quality of life in various aspects, both economic, human resources, and education. Competitive human resources are the basic capital to survive and develop in this MEA era. This is a big challenge for the world of education to prepare qualified human resources. The expected quality is not only related to intellectuals, but also related to individual characters such as optimism towards the future, hardworking, and never giving up. Based on these conditions, it is expected to be able to have the specific competencies needed by students. In addition, the intense competition between professions makes competence and expertise an absolute thing to have, to meet the demands of competence and skill in various fields. Dealing with the Vision of the Universitas Muhammadiyah Tapanuli Selatan to become a Research University in North Sumatera in 2030 which is social and multicultural, so that it can compete at the national and global level in the future and it will be held: "International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies (ICoMS) 2019."

Theme and Scope

Theme: Transformation of Education, Public Service, Business and Research on Digital Era

The sub-themes in ICoMS included to the following topics:

1.      Al-Islam Kemuhammadiyahan
2.      Agriculture and Plantation Science
3.      Animal Science and Natural Science
4.      Counceling Education
5.      Economics and Business Management
6.      English for International Exchange
7.      Mathematics and Physics Education
8.      Health and Medical Science
9.      Politics, Law and Humanities
10.  Social and Cultural Education

Important Date

Abstract Submission Deadline 24-November-2019
Abstract Acceptance Notification 01-December-2019
Fullpaper Submission Deadline 29-December-2019
Seminar Day 23-January-2020

Before you proceed, carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:


  1. The Paper Should be written in English.
  2. View the theme and scope topics.
  3. The length of submitted paper is at least 4 pages and no more than 6 pages in A4 Paper size
  4. The paper must conform to the standard of
  5. All review processes are blind peer-reviews.
  6. Please contact:  icoms@um-tapsel.ac.id
  7. The author should follow the Guideline Template

Registration Fee and Payment

Participant / Delegates Early Bird Rate (Before 15 Dec 2019) Normal Rate (16 Dec - 31 Dec 2020)
Presenter USD 170 USD 190
Participant USD 50 USD 70
Presenter IDR 2.200.000 IDR 2.500.000
Participant IDR 400.000 IDR 600.000
Presenter IDR 1000.000 IDR 1000.000
Participant IDR 200.000 IDR 200.000

The registration fee includes:

1. Publishing fee indexed
2. Book of abstracts
3. Seminar kit & certificate
4. e-Proceeding
5. Coffee Break & Buffet Lunch
6. Coaching Clinic

Please make your payment through the following account:

Bank name: Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM)

Swift Code: BSMDIDJA

Branch name: BSM Cabang Padangsidimpuan, North Sumatera

Account number: 7008899821

Account holder: UMTS

Click here to Submit Paper


Participants from outside Padangsidimpuan who will stay are recommended at the following hotels:

  • Mega Permata Hotel, Jl. Imam Bonjol, No.178, Aek Tampang
  • Natama Hotel, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, No.100, Sitamiang
  • Hotel Sitamiang, Jl. Sisingamangaraja, No.189, Sitamiang

Steering Committee

Organizing Committee

Contact Us

1. Happy: (+62  813  9629  3983 )

2. Khairunnisah: (+62  853  6164  5993)

3. Sahata: (+62  812  6300  4008 )

4. Putra: (+62  853  2052  6669)

Email : humas@um-tapsel.ac.id

